Okay so I haven't been here in ages, sorry! Here's a really overdue update on how things have been for us. My midwifery training got very hectic, I helped delivering four babies myself, of whom two were born at home. Witnessed 11 births in total this schoolyear. I scored straight A's for all of my tests, I was so thrilled with those results!
Our tiny happy home will become quite a bigger home from next year on as we're moving, it will still be just as happy though ;) I've been collecting loads of ideas and tons of inspiration on my pinterest boards for that. I'm really looking forward to decorating our new house, the kids rooms etcetera. Will be posting some of the inspiration later on.
Also, I'll be writing more about food and cooking the coming time. My youngest daughter is most likely celiac, we're waiting for a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis, but the odds are against us. It would explain a lot of things actually (why is she always crying, why does it always look like she has stomachpains, how come her growth has stunted so much, why is she quite lethargic during the day. Why are her legs bend is if she has rickets? Etc. the list goes on and on.) The same goes for her older sister. So we are entering the mysterious world glutenfree cooking and living with a celiac diagnosis. I'm not a big fan of ready packed and pre cooked foods, so I'll most likely be making our own foods and experimenting a lot. Follow us on this trip! And if you have any tips or advice, it is most welcome.
For the rest, I'll be entering my 2nd year now, my eldest daughter has started dancing classes and apart from the health issues, we're still a very happy bunch!